How to unlock WM 29 Pistol in GTA Online Winter

To unlock the WM 29 Pistol in GTA Online, kill and loot the roof target in Weazel Plaza.

Here's a step-by-step guide: to unlock WM 29 Pistol in GTA Online Winter

1. Be in GTA Online for 20 minutes.

2. Wait till it's between 8 PM and 6 AM in-game.

3. Visit Weazel Plaza in Rockford Hills, Los Santos.

4. Fly to the roof to kill enemies.

5. Grab the WM 29 Pistol from the tan-suited designated target.

6. Repeat these methods to locate a wallet with $25,000 each time.

After completing the mission, you'll get a free WM 29 Pistol and can upgrade it at Ammu-Nation.